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Adama (translation “Earth”) is a ground handling training wing.

Designed to be used in almost all wind conditions, it will simulate the behaviour of a full scale wing to train for the best practices without risking the equipment and more importantly the user’s safety.
Adama is equally suited to both free flying or paramotor pilots wishing for the right training tool to perfect their inflation and ground handling skills. Dedicated use of the Adama will result in impressive mastering of your wing.
Reverse launch, cobra inflation/deflation techniques, and full ground control are now all in short reach for any pilot training with the Adama.

The Adama is also a great toy for anyone to play with.
Family, especially kids can enjoy it, introducing them to the sport while keeping them entertained.
Pilots should take it out and train whenever the wind is not good for take-off – as practice makes perfect.
In any open space or in the nearest park, inflation training is always an attention grabber!
Another advantage – no need to fold! Shove it in and out of the stuff bag in seconds – Adama has no elements which can deform and no special folding required.

Constructed to last, it will withstand dragging on the ground and harsh abuse – use the Adama instead of wearing out your full size wing!

  • 13 [m]
  • Risers – full 3 risers system for “real wing” behavior
  • Trimmers – to accommodate large wind speed range.
  • Butt Holes (BT2) – passive release of any sand or debris from within the canopy.
  • Ideal training tool for schools
  • Simple design, robust materials – No special folding needed.
  • Small and compact, easy to pack and carry.
  • Designed to be used in combination with APCO’s First harness

Available in “one size fits all”. Bright and attractive – colours are random rainbow patterns with the same colors as shown, but in random sequences.
No specific colour choice can be made when ordering this wing.


This wing is designed and intended for ground handling only.
It has not been tested for flying, and is not certified for flight.



    The Lines and Risers have been kept as close to a flying wing as possible, meaning the student learns on something similar to what he or she will fly.


    The wing is easy to inflate, but purposely not too stable. Designed to train the correct pilot inputs.
    Perfect for learning reverse and cobra launch!


    Equipped with trimmers  – from nil wind up to blown out


    One can practice all the normal techniques, from using the brakes, back risers, B’s, A’s or dropping to the side.


    Shove it in and out of the stuff bag in seconds, or nicely folded – up to you!


    According to Apco’s legendary tradition for durability – the construction of the wing is bomb proof! Extremely durable cloth combined with proven construction designed to withstand students abuse for as long as necessary.


    Purpose built for learning and improving ground skills



Free shipping on all orders over $300 within the Continental US! (Excludes paramotors and trikes.